Introduction of Collaborative Research Clusters

Science Tokyo has established collaborative research centers in collaboration with various companies to promote research and development activities as large-scale research activities, focusing on the fields of energy, materials, machinery, and biotechnology, in which the university has strengths.

In the future, the University will work to expand the research areas of these collaborative research clusters, increase the number of collaborative research clusterss, and revitalize large-scale joint research.

List of Collaborative Research Clusters

(In order of date of establishment)

Komatsu Collaborative Research Cluster for Innovative Technologies
aiwell AI Proteomics Collaborative Research Cluster
AGC Material Collaborative Research Cluster
DENSO Mobility Collaborative Research Cluster
Idemitsu Kosan Collaborative Research Cluster for Advanced Materials
TEPCO Collaborative Research Cluster for Decontamination and Decommissioning (D&D) Frontier Technology Creation
LG Material & Life solution Collaborative Research Cluster
ULVAC Advanced Technology Collaborative Research Cluster
Multimodal Cell Analysis Collaborative Research Cluster
artience Collaborative Research Cluster
JFE Engineering Collaborative Research Cluster for Carbon Neutrality
Mitsubishi Materials Sustainability Innovation Collaborative Reaserch Cluster
Fujitsu Next Generation Computing Infrastructure Collaborative Research Cluster
Sumitomo Chemical Next-Generation Eco-Friendly Devices Collaborative Research Cluster
Mitsubishi Electric Energy&Carbon Management Collaborative Research Cluster
micware future navigation collaborative research cluster
Rakuten Mobile Next Generation Edge Computing Network Collaborative Research Cluster
Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Collaborative Research Cluster For Future Creation
EX-Fusion liquid metal Collaborative Research Cluster For Future Creation
NSK Tribology Collaborative Research Cluster
Toyota Mobility Foundation Advanced Traffic Safety Collaborative Research Cluster
Tsubame BHB Green Ammonia Collaborative Research Cluster
Daikin Air-Conditioning Technology Collaborative Research Cluster

Daikin Air-Conditioning Technology Collaborative Research Cluster

Establishment PeriodSeptember 13, 2024 onward
Cluster DirectorAkira Chiba (Professor,  School of Engineering, Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorNaoto Kobayashi(Sinior Manager, Engineering Strategy, Technology and innovation Strategy Office, Technology and innovation Center, DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD.)

Tsubame BHB Green Ammonia Collaborative Research Cluster

Company NameTsubame BHB
Establishment PeriodJune 1, 2024 onward
Cluster DirectorHideo Hosono(Honorary and Institute Professor,  MDX Reaserch Center for Element Strategy,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorYoshiharu Yokoyama(Excutive Fellow and Chief Technology Officer, Tsubame BHB Co.,Ltd)
Associate Cluster DirectorMasaaki Kitano(Professor,  MDX Reserch Center for Element Stratgy, Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Toyota Mobility Foundation Advanced Traffic Safety Collaborative Research Cluster

Company NameTOYOTA Mobility FOUNDATION
Establishment PeriodApril 1, 2024 onward
Cluster DirectorMotoki Shino(Professor,  School of Engineering,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorKenichi Yagi(Director-Programs, Program Management Group, TOYOTA Mobility FOUNDATION)

NSK Tribology Collaborative Research Cluster

Company NameNSK Ltd.
Establishment PeriodDecember 1, 2023 onward
Cluster DirectorTadahiko Shinshi(Professor,  Institute of Innovative Research,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorKen-ichi Shibasaki(Head of Core Technology R&D CENTER Operating Officer, NSK Ltd.)

EX-Fusion liquid metal Collaborative Research Cluster For Future Creation

Company NameEX-Fusion inc.
Establishment PeriodOctober 1, 2023 onward
Cluster DirectorMasatoshi Kondo(associate Professor, Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorKazuki Matsuo(CEO, EX-Fusion inc.)

Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Collaborative Research Cluster For Future Creation

Establishment PeriodJune 1, 2023 onward
Cluster DirectorNobuhiko Nishiyama(Professor, School of Engineering,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorYusuke Narumi(Director, Officer, Department Manager/New Buisiness Development Dept.,TOKYO OHKA KOGYO CO.,LTD.)

Rakuten Mobile Next Generation Edge Computing Network Collaborative Research Cluster

Company NameRakuten Mobile, Inc.
Establishment PeriodJune 1,2023 onward
Cluster DirectorKei Sakaguchi(Dean, Program Coordinator, Science Tokyo Academy for Super Smart Society Professor, School of Engineering, Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorYuki Tanaka (Department Manager, 5G Business Solution Planning Department, Enterprise Product Management Division, Rakuten Mobile, Inc.)

micware future navigation collaborative research cluster

Company NameMICWARE CO., LTD.
Establishment PeriodApril 1,2023 onward
Cluster DirectorMasatoshi Okutomi(Adjunct Professor, School of Engineering,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorTeruaki Koshiba (Board member, MICWARE CO., LTD.)

Mitsubishi Electric Energy&Carbon Management Collaborative Research Cluster

Company NameMitsubishi Electric Corporation
Establishment PeriodApril 1,2023 onward
Cluster DirectorYukitaka Kato(Professor, Director of the Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorHirofumi Tanaka(Senior Chief Engineer, Corporate Research and Development Group, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)
Associate Cluster DirectorJunichiro Otomo (Professor, Department of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering,  Institute of Science Tokyoy)

Sumitomo Chemical Next-Generation Eco-Friendly Devices Collaborative Research Cluster

Company NameSumitomo Chemical Co.,Ltd
Establishment PeriodApril 1,2023 onward
Cluster DirectorMasato Sone(Professor, Institute of Innovation Research,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Acting Cluster DirectorSatoshi Okamoto(Chief Research Coordinator, Corporate Planning Office, Sumitomo Chemical Co.,Ltd)

Fujitsu Next Generation Computing Infrastructure Collaborative Research Cluster

Company NameFujitsu Limited
Establishment PeriodOctober 20,2022 onward
Cluster DirectorHidehiko Masuhara(Professor, Dean, School of Computing,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Acting Cluster DirectorToshio Endo(Professor, Global Scientific Information and Computing Center,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorNaoki Akahoshi (Fellow, SVP, Head of Computing Laboratory Research Unit, Fujitsu Limited and General Manager)

Mitsubishi Materials Sustainability Innovation Collaborative Reaserch Cluster

Establishment PeriodSeptember 7,2022 onward
Cluster DirectorYukitaka Kato(Professor, Director of the Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorTakeshi Isobe,Dr.Eng.(General manager Monozukuri and R&D Strategy Div,Mitsubishi Materials)
Associate Cluster DirectorYoichi Murakami(Professor, Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research,  Institute of Science Tokyo)

JFE Engineering Collaborative Research Cluster for Carbon Neutrality

Company NameJFE Engineering Corporation
Establishment PeriodJuly 1,2022 onward
Cluster DirectorKenji Takeshita(Specially Appointed Professor-Institute of Innovative Research,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Acting Cluster DirectorYukitaka Kato(Professor, Director of the Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorToru Shiomitsu (Director-Research Center of Engineering Innovation,Technology Headquarters, JFE Engineering Corporation)

artience Collaborative Research Cluster

Company Nameartience CO., LTD.
Establishment PeriodJanuary 13, 2022 onward
Cluster DirectorRyoji Kanno (Institute Professor, Director of Research Center for All-Solid-State Battery, Institute of Innovative Research,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorHiroshi Tsutsumi (Associate Professor, School of Life Science and Technology,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorToshinori Machida (CTO, Executive Operating Officer, artience CO., LTD.)

Multimodal Cell Analysis Collaborative Research Cluster

Company NameCellshoot Therapeutics, Inc.
Establishment PeriodOctober 1, 2021 onward
Cluster DirectorMasayuki Murata (Specially Appointed Professor, Institute of Innovative Research,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Acting Cluster DirectorFumi Kano (Associate Professor, Institute of Innovative Research,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorSyogo Kato (CEO, Cellshoot Therapeutics, Inc.)

ULVAC Advanced Technology Collaborative Research Cluster

Company NameULVAC, Inc.
Establishment PeriodSeptember 22, 2021 onward
Cluster DirectorHiroshi Akatsuka (Associate Professor of Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorJunya Kiyota (General Manager, Institute of Advanced Technology, ULVAC, Inc.)

LG Material & Life solution Collaborative Research Cluster

Company NameLG Japan Lab Inc.
Establishment PeriodApril 1, 2021 onward
Cluster DirectorMasato Sone (Professor, Institute of Innovative Research,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorChangHo Oh (President, LG Japan Lab Inc.)

TEPCO Collaborative Research Cluster for Decontamination and Decommissioning (D&D) Frontier Technology Creation

Company NameTokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.
Establishment PeriodApril 1, 2020 onward
Cluster DirectorKenji Takeshita (Director and Professor of Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Associate Cluster DirectorJunichi Matsumoto (Corporate Officer, General Manager, Project Management Office, Fukushima Daiichi Decontamination and Decommissioning Engineering Company, Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.)
Acting Cluster DirectorYukitaka Kato(Professor, Director of the Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Innovative Research, Institute of Science Tokyo)

Idemitsu Kosan Collaborative Research Cluster for Advanced Materials

Company NameIdemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd.
Establishment PeriodApril 1, 2020 onward
Cluster DirectorToshiaki Ougizawa (Professor, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Vice President,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorMotohioro Suzuki (Executive Officer, Advanced Technology Research Laboratories, Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd)

DENSO Mobility Collaborative Research Cluster

Company NameDENSO Corporation
Establishment PeriodApril 1, 2020 onward
Cluster DirectorHirotsugu Inoue (Professor, Chair of Mechanical Engineering,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorMiho Ito (Head, Research Advanced Reserch and Innovaction Center, DENSO Corporation)

AGC Material Collaborative Research Cluster

Company NameAGC Inc.
Establishment PeriodJuly 1, 2019 onward
Cluster DirectorIchiro Yamanaka (Professor, Associate Dean, School of Materials and Chemical Technology,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorShunsuke Yokotsuka (Executive Officer, General Manager of Planning Division Technology General Division, AGC Inc.)

aiwell AI Proteomics Collaborative Research Cluster

Company Nameaiwell Inc.
Establishment PeriodApril 5, 2019 to April 4, 2023
Cluster DirectorNobuhiro Hayashi (Professor, School of Life Science and Technology,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorHiroyuki Mabuchi (CEO, aiwell Inc.)

Komatsu Collaborative Research Cluster for Innovative Technologies

Company NameKomatsu Ltd.
Establishment PeriodApril 1, 2019 onward
Cluster DirectorTakushi Saito (Professor, Institute of Integrated Research,  Institute of Science Tokyo)
Associate Cluster DirectorAkira Sumitani (Fellow, Development Division, Komatsu Ltd.)